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Yine bir milattan omce kalmıs dostluk resmi demicem cunku bunlar sadece fotorafta cs de kimse kimseye acımaz...

Ben bu sayfayi yapana kdar oldum mllete 1 haftaya kadar carim dedimdiye 1 hafta geceli gunduzlu calistim

Abi acımadan nasıl su zavallı rehineleri olduruyorum
muhahahaha muhahaha iste ben

Screen Shot: Project BOB
This is the title screen for the game.

Ben ne kadar ii fotograf cekermisimde haberim yokmus

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic
This game has some screens that cannot be seen unless you use game codes. This is one of them.

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic
This is a destroyed base hidden at the end of one of the tunnels. It's part of the mystery that surrounds the story behind the game.

Screen Shot: Project BOB
Time for some explosives.

Screen Shot: Project BOB
This is the title screen and the first board in the game.

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic
The granite crag, one of my favorite climbs.... er, mm.... rooms.

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic
This blueish rock formation is at the very top of a huge ascension chamber which opens below it. The type of mineralization would suggest venting gases for some length of time during the geologic history of this moon ..?

Screen Shot: Project BOB
This is the water room.

Screen Shot: Project BOB
This is the lava room, it took some effort to reach. It's really hot.

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic
Another example of some interesting rock formations, at one of the deepest places in the moon that this game takes place on.

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic
The first time I played it took a second to learn how to go ... how shall I say.... "up".

Screen Shot: Project BOB
....you dirty rat....

What do you think?